Admittedly, none of the parts were mine, so I split most of the time between sneaking strips of chicken breast & sugar-free V, "consulting" between takes and writing new material in another room while my 2 cohorts handled the engineering & performance. I also worked on some concept art that my brain decided it would imagine while listening to beautiful guitar licks being playing over & over (and over). Much as I try, when it gets all creative I just can't argue with my brain.
While not back-breaking labour, recording days require much sustained mental focus, and if performing, some physical stamina. The net result being similar to working a 6th day at a dayjob, and I'm not cut out to work 6 days (hell, I'm not cut out to work 5), so I ended what was left of the day by unwinding in a safely debaucherous style: laying in bed munching iceblocks while alternating between movies and books.
A long day, yet most fulfilling. One step closer to the end product.

I had this song on repeat for about an hour this morning while preparing the recording space:
Supertramp - Give A Little Bit
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