I'm missing my little girl a lot. It takes a lot to go through each day putting the "missing" part out of my mind while still keeping thoughts of her there, but I'm somewhat practiced at it.
I know bottling isn't the healthiest of methods for dealing with this sort of struggle, and I do talk about it with select friends & family, but there is a limit to their understanding regarding this. I used to have someone close to me that I could open up to, who knew me so well that I could say absolutely anything to & know I'd be understood, and with a genuine interest in what I had to say and compassion that simply made this sort of situation that much easier. With that level of knowing comes a price, paid in full. No regrets, but I do miss this, as I miss my daughter.
So I jumped online & booked my next trip to see her, wishing I could book a second flight to see my friend.

Blind Melon - Galaxie
"verbal pocket play"
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