I wondered if it was related to the Dean Koontz book I've picked up again recently - Lightning - which contains a few chapters focusing on a young girl being predated upon. I found this section unnerving, unfortunate reading before bed but I'm sticking with it as the novel has been highly recommended.
Fortunately before I'd even finished my morning mocha and companion protein bar I found a couple of inspired blog posts that completely lifted my spirits.
I find myself looking forward to this morning ritual - on a Monday especially when infectious inspiration is all the more appreciated, and although a day ahead of myself, today felt just like a Monday.
By late morning I was back to good. Still missing something, but for now the gaps are filled.
When I first started blogging I figured it would be a form of therapy for me and while I love dedicating time to writing - in fact I enjoy it as much as creating music - I've found that I equally enjoy devouring those gems of blogs where the inspiration just jumps off the screen at the reader, begging for return visits.
Every so often one will bring a tear to my eye and I can't but look upon this as a positive experience.
The image of the hang glider in the accompanying video stuck with me for years. I remember where I was when I first saw it, can put myself back in that moment. The song then spoke to me on a level that drew an empathetic sadness.
The combination of crisply produced bright and warm tones, with Layne Staley blanketing the instruments in shimmering velvet, lifts me, reinforcing my will.
"Above" was very much a rehab album.
Mad Season - River Of Deceit
I also find blogging as a kind of therapy. Just as diary-writing used to be, I find blogging a really good way to keep track of the things that are happening in my life. There are some things that I cannot blog about publicly. I decided some time ago to be honest and open, but not warts and all. And that is only because I keep in mind the effect that anything I might write would have on my loved ones. Even so, there is something rewarding about blogging and noticing what is happening in my life rather than it passing by without appreciating it.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree.
ReplyDeleteThe process reminds me of an online diary I kept some 10 years ago - an early version of a blog I guess, though this blog encompasses diary, discussion board, inspirational portal (at least I hope!), and dream log - a nice flexibility to it.
I also like the discipline involved in daily writing. If I miss a day, I'll go back and add it in later when I get a chance. Just wish I could do that with my Wii Fit yoga workouts...