I was expecting a quick onsite, then back to the office for an early couple of drinks with colleagues.
I didn't arrive at my client until 1300. Sure there was an emergency, sure they weren't happy, but after a hellish week I just had to put everything on hold & take care of me that morning, before I broke beyond repair. After all, if I'm not in good shape first, I'll be useless to everyone second.
Beforehand I'd bought a mocha from the 7/11 and wandered vaguely towards my destination. The lid was ill-fitting and coffee spilt everywhere as I walked. This kicked off what turned out to be a long and tense day.
This particular client manages several entertainers, primarily show hosts & comedians. Names that apparently every Australian with a TV would know, but most of which I'm oblivious to. It's a stressful business, but the levels in that office were thick enough to require waders. I still don't understand how it helps a situation by complaining about it every 10mins - while it's already being worked on - and then asking for status updates which take 5mins to explain and are not even understood. I had 5 days worth of this. Multiply that by 3 stressed Bettys and there you have me: having reached the point of no longer caring, zoning out & humming to myself. Still polite, still working away, but indifferent.
I made it back to the office for drinks just as the crowds were thinning, but instead of joining in I retreated to my computer & started to catch up on unfinished blog entries from while I was away last week.
And I just knocked over my dragon incense holder, breaking off it's teeth.
All I can think of now is that I could really do with a long, full, sensuous body massage.
While the below is playing?
Yes please.

Mother Love Bone - Gentle Groove
"Come dance with me in my room
You can hold me hands, yeah
I'm gonna be your boyfriend
And you can call me names
And nothing's gonna change the way I feel for my love
And nobody's gonna slow my gentle groove"
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