A bath was poured, laptop positioned and speakers setup on the sinktop. I settled in, promptly reminding myself how terrible I am with watching films, rarely able to sit through an entire feature unless with company. I managed about half of it, which is a pretty good effort for a 143min movie on a weeknight. I push myself during every waking moment - sleep when I'm dead and the like - so if at a late cinema showing I tend to fall asleep soon after the lights go out, like a six foot five blankety-caged canary.
Consequentially, cinema outings are rare but pleasantly also have that air of excitement about them that I enjoyed as a kid. Also, since I don't go that often I typically watch in gold class. I'm all about the elbow room. Being waited on doesn't hurt either. Now if only I could get someone to pump my gas.

Fleetwood Mac - You Make Loving Fun
One of the better Christine McVie songs. Love the clavinet.
"I never did believe in miracles
But I've a feeling it's time to try
I never did believe in the ways of magic
But I'm beginning to wonder why"
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