Once Bitten...

*** I have resumed re-writing & posting those updates which Google had lost some months back. Once I'm finished with my April "butterflies" project I will unveil my new blog over at Wordpress. *** Much love to all, bobby 2011-09-14

Inspiration, joy, beauty, Oneness, the spark of recognition...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day7 - Six Shots of Lava

A 2 hour nap today. Body felt supple, bones liquid just as after a long bath...

In lava.

Flatmate was spring cleaning at the opposite end of the year (of which I'm particularly glad since all of the clutter strewn around the place is/was his). Hearing activity, energy exerted, helped me appreciate my horizontal state tenfold.

Random music blasting from beyond. Summoning myself from the sofa has been difficult today.

Bath was divine. Exactly one week ago I was in the most amazing mindset, having one of the most enjoyable weekends in a very long time. I miss it. I'm all about distractions from missing it.

I hit 6 before my nap. The last one hurt (in a good way), but for distraction it seemed to be the most logical solution.

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