Sunny as we left the office, within seconds the downpour began, so we took brief shelter before hailing a cab. Crossing the bridge I took a moment to look back at the city - I couldn't see it; but instead a deep grey morass obscured all. So beautiful.
I had to make a call - it was important that we took the time. She knew it too. I'm so glad she is not one to shut down, close off. This is important to me, to her. Mixed up & still working through thoughts, I requested a reprieve.
Out of the blue she sent me a lovely email that told me without saying it specifically: everything was ok between us. I appreciated this email more than she's probably aware.
Watching a duo of golden leaves dance in a whirlwind took my breath away; reminded me of her. Being something she would like, I wished that she was there to share it with, then laughed to myself thinking that if she was there, I would be enthralled watching her & not the leaves.
We spoke candidly. I love this: not that it necessarily needed to be a serious conversation - even in the most serious chats we insert the ridiculous - but that it was just free. Free from the limitations of text-only communication. Free to not hold back like I had been doing or defer them. Free to speak my mind & know I'd be understood through just a tone or inflection.
In the process I learnt more about her; to understand her more.
My favourite nugget of enlightenment/reaffirmation - providing different answers to the same questions but on different days is acceptable. We understand this about each other better than perhaps anyone else. I took great enjoyment & describing the relief & comfort this gives me.
As the cars sluiced through the damp roads outside, she asked me if we'd ever run out of things to say. I didn't answer succinctly, so I'm answering now: not in a lifetime.
I didn't get to finish describing my dream. I will save it for the next time we talk.
It seems to be the most logical solution.
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