Once Bitten...

*** I have resumed re-writing & posting those updates which Google had lost some months back. Once I'm finished with my April "butterflies" project I will unveil my new blog over at Wordpress. *** Much love to all, bobby 2011-09-14

Inspiration, joy, beauty, Oneness, the spark of recognition...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day350 - line

A starburst of red on the surface of bedding; a comforting pillow in any dark hour. Then below and behind, the gem of opulence, a purity of breath in crystalline cavity, spilling forth the spores to which no lover has ever had allergy or aversion.

Would that this be his air to breathe, his face may strain in purples for savouring, or reds for indulgence; either way, immersion, deep and true, and the balance to be had, will find itself stable, without prolonging nor undue effort.

Should that our selves shift out of phase with immediate surroundings, and blend into each other's; respective particles finding those - so foreign, yet familiar - "empty" spaces, to hook behind; cohabitate and create; a brand new manifestation of the universal force; that which we shall call the We.


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