Once Bitten...

*** I have resumed re-writing & posting those updates which Google had lost some months back. Once I'm finished with my April "butterflies" project I will unveil my new blog over at Wordpress. *** Much love to all, bobby 2011-09-14

Inspiration, joy, beauty, Oneness, the spark of recognition...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day339 - but

Approaching the mid point, to this, our hour; chancing to daydream, disassemble, devour; separations of stone, marbled and true; mirrored souls in smooth, doubled, magnetic, in whole & in virtue.

Leptons, neutrinos, muons & tau, what lies beyond, the dendrochronology of he, borne solid of waist, and years bore the backbone; fragility, grace, when circumstance contrived to bellow his name, a pseudonym true; devilicious desire.

Gazing at brushstrokes, each bristle in finest, the fractions so fair, to be washed on the shorelines of consciousness sure. Enjoy them now, while the shadow in hiding, absorbs the most fierce of fantasy fare; yet without a wish, she brings them together, longing for sunlight, unadmitted to self, but known so well, in spaces; hers, deep.


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