Once Bitten...

*** I have resumed re-writing & posting those updates which Google had lost some months back. Once I'm finished with my April "butterflies" project I will unveil my new blog over at Wordpress. *** Much love to all, bobby 2011-09-14

Inspiration, joy, beauty, Oneness, the spark of recognition...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day334 - hand,

The racing of mind, beyond the sublime, felicitous findings forever in fact; as dissolute, disparate dogs drunk on dishwater; with all that is washed away, emerges purity & semblance of order, for a time.

Where does a mind take one, during fall into genius; to clarity borne; a thousand distinct thoughts lay upon us in plague; to waste but a few in pursuit of the sway; this is par & yardstick, for the consciousness' descent into dreams.

Pondering languidly, the switching of brains, between infants of human & cetus alike; wondering would this, evidence that purported; intelligence of whale, to language and commune, to friend & to foeship, to love and to lust?


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