As another enjoyable season draws to a close, I can't help but admire David Duchovny's excellent physique. While forever a fan of the feminine form, a well-chiselled masculine body can be equally beautiful.
Arnold Schwarzenegger attained perfection in 1970, with the aid of steroids yes, but not to diminish the massive effort & determination that was the driving force. The problem with increasing mass to such an extent is the post-career leftovers - unless continuing to train for life, the body will wave goodbye to it's glory days and leave the owner with nothing but memories and a double appetite.
For a 50 year old, Duchovny has the "beautiful" part nailed - at least as far as the body goes.
When I see a man of his age in such good shape, the words ring in my ears: no excuses.
Also, and randomly, I've always thought that he has the eyes of Barney Rubble.
Karen: "If you were going to have sex with someone and you knew it would be the absolute last time, what do you think it would be like?"
Hank: "I think it would be incredibly sad."
Karen: "Yeah, so do I. Make me sad."
Reunion (complete with the return of the handlebar-moustached bassist) and album #3 on it's way!
Click to listen: The Darkness- Love is Only a Feeling
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