I noticed after the first week of skipping yoga and the back extensions and ab exercises that follow, that my lower back began to ache - I haven't had back pain in years, aside from the very occasional injury due to over-zealous resistance training, so this was a timely early warning sign.
My weight had crept up a single Kg to 83, which is barely worth mentioning but that's how it begins. I could feel atrophy setting in, so before it became a problem I made time for the gym after work. I hadn't been at that time of day for a while and am not used to having to share equipment but it was well worth enduring the crowds. Even now - the following day - my calves, hamstrings and glutes are still pulsing from the post-workout cross-training, my upper body wrecked by glorious pec & bicep devastation.
Energised and exhausted, I got home and flopped on the couch, about ready to sleep but it was off to dinner at one of my favourite Thai restaurants with a couple of bottles of Semillon, followed by relaxation in the beautiful garden bar at the back of the local - one of my favourite pubs and only a 2 minute walk away. I had a bottle and a half of wine last night and even had my usual early-morning wakeup due to dehydration, yet I feel like a million bucks.
The Lemonheads - It's About Time (Live Video)
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