Because of associated memories I staved off watching season 3 for a couple of months, feigning lack of interest. When the reviews came in from friends, they were mostly negative. Maybe it was the low expectations, maybe it was just the combined critical states of mind, but I quite enjoyed this season and well enough to look forward to watching the next.
A friend from Tennessee ironically can't stand the southern accents, though I've always found them extremely sexy, right up there with French. From my first phone conversation with a Texan woman, I was somewhat hooked.
Usually I don't think twice about gay love scenes - after all, the tautology applies: love is love - but I did find myself aware of the frequency of gay sex scenes during one episode in particular. I put this down to me being "straight" and not relating viscerally to gay or lesbian sex scenes. I should make the distinction between love scenes and sex scenes, because TB has a combination of both, but this season seemed much more geared towards the lustful end of the spectrum. As such my mind did wander and it affected my investment in and enjoyment of the story somewhat. I wonder if the converse is true for a gay person watching a show laced with male-female sex scenes.
I also wondered if it was just me who had noticed this, so I googled the best/simplest keyword search term I could think of: "gayest program on tv" and sure enough the first hit was an article about the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation dubbing True Blood American TV's "most inclusive program", which gives the show bonus points in my book.
I make some friends laugh, some cringe and I'm sure others secretly blush when the topic comes up and I volunteer that I wish I were gay, or more specifically bi - the logic being: why limit yourself to apples when you can have apples and oranges, but alas it was just not meant to be. I do say this slightly tongue in cheek and with a chuckle, safe in the knowledge that my gay friends would see the humour, especially my good friend who used to visit me for games of chess, armed with amyl nitrite... little did I know at the time what that was used for!
We don't talk as much as we used to; separate countries, no longer work together, no longer gym together, but he provided me with such a unique perspective on life, lust and love, not just because he's gay, but because he's an amazing and bright person. I miss our chats - enough to digress some 90º offtrack...
Other chats that I missed while watching TB were those with the friend I introduced to the show. We too used to be close, nothing was off-limits, we shared our true selves, and to a greater degree than the friend above, understood each other beyond words. I miss that more than I can convey.
The storm is right outside my window to remind me.
True Blood - Opening Credits
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